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3 Ways to Relieve Emotional Illness  Allow the Dogs to Regain Happiness

3 Ways to Relieve Emotional Illness Allow the Dogs to Regain Happiness

Dogs in Hong Kong suffer from mental health problems frequently, Creature Comforts Housecalls Senior Veterinarian Dr. David Quach had met a Shiba Inu that was not willing to step out of home for a whole year due to nervous. However, pet owners do not have to worry too much as dogs’ emotional illness can definitely be cured and avoided.  Here are 3 ways to help your dog stay healthy and easy.



Creature Comforts Housecalls Senior Veterinarian Dr David Quach


Stress Origins from Everywhere    Put an Eye on the Dogs’ Emotional Illness' Symptoms


As a vet for years, Dr. David thinks Mongrels that are commonly seen in Hong Kong, and small sized dogs like Poodles, Bichons, Chihuahua and Pomeranians are born to be sensitive and they get nervous easily. There are many reasons causing pressure to dogs, for example like the change in home structure or living environment, renovation work nearby, someone is walking outside the door all the time etc.  “Anxiety comes when there are problems which dogs cannot solve it on their own, therefore any external stimulis can also affect the dogs.”


If your dog appears with the symptoms below, it has a probability of suffering from mental problems:


Excessive barking      

Urinating randomly

Being overreacted towards external stuff

Poor appetite

Being apathetic, not willing to have any interaction

Ruining Furnitures, Self Harm

Get angry easily

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, lick its own hair frequently

Whining, making sounds like baby




Dr. David points out the three ways to relieve the emotion of dogs


3 Ways to Relieve Emotional Illness  Allow the Dogs to Regain Happiness


  1. Get to know the origin of stress, tackle it with positive trainings ;
  2. Assort with moderate sports, improve the overall health of dogs ;
  3. Take supplements, for example: Probiotics Supplement ;


Taking the Shiba Inu who refuses to go out as an example, in order to avoid the busy streets that make it feels nervous, its owner has to bring it on car immediately and head to the quiet outskirts so as to regain its sense of security while going out. Dr. David suggests that owners can consider veterinary housecalls so as to reduce the stress of dogs during travelling or meeting other human beings, avoid the exacerbation of fear. “If the dog is too nervous, they may not like others visiting their home too, however the diagnosis process must be easier and faster than taking it to the clinic for medical treatment.” Also, taking probiotics supplements can relieve the tense emotions from within, so as to allow the dog to be more receptive towards positive training and reaccept going outside.



Emotional Pressure may lead to Cancer/Heart Disease  Veterinarians Advocate Taking Probiotics as Prevention


Dr. David emphasizes that owners should not ignore the emotional stress in dogs. When dogs get nervous, their heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol will increase, and these will ultimately affect the organs, “many diseases come from stress, for example like  gastrointestinal problems, skin diseases, urethritis, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer, the consequence can be really serious.”


Probiotics can effectively avoid and relieve stress. Studies have pointed out that Probiotics BL999 can help to ameliorate mood, when body absorbs probiotics, it will affect the nerves, causing the brain to release endorphins, so as to lower blood pressure, slow down heartbeat and calm the dog. Probiotics are safe and harmless, and do not have any side effects, therefore it is suitable for most of the dogs. Dr. David thinks it is worth to give it a try,” When owners predict that the situation may cause the dog to be nervous, for example like going on a trip or somebody is visiting them, they can let the dog to take probiotics in advance so as to reduce the pain that it will face.”



When dogs can live happily, owners can ultimately be benefited from. No matter to human or to dogs, mental health is important. Minimising stress can help to reduce illness and diseases for dogs, living a longer life and accompany their owners longer.






PURINA® PRO PLAN® Calming Care 配方由PURINA®營養學家、科研人員及獸醫共同研發,內含益生菌種長雙歧桿菌 BL999,研究顯示能幫助犬隻保持鎮靜行為,在應對日常生活中的壓力時,穩定正常心跳,幫助犬隻管理情緒及保持健康的免疫系統。此補充劑配方美味可口,約服食六星期後能見效用。


PURINA® PRO PLAN® Calming Care is invented by PURINA nutritionists, researchers and veterinarians, it has Bifidobacterium longum BL999 which studies show that it can help to maintain the calm behaviour of dogs,  cope with external stressors, maintain positive cardiac activity and promote a positive emotional state in dogs. With excellence palatability, it will take 6 weeks to see the result, suitable for curing dogs with anxiety behaviour, and to avoid anxiety takes place on healthy.


>> Register and get a free PURINA® PRO PLAN® Calming Care Experience Kit


Special thanks: Creature Comforts Tseung Kwan O Veterinary Group

Pet Agent: Dandan @dandan_jai




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