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Pet New Year Poon Choi Feast

Applicable to the Following Pet Types
  • Cats
  • Dogs

New in 2024: #PetExplorer on PET-A-HOOD!

Join us for an exciting adventure with your pet! Become a Pet Explorer if your furry friend loves food and exciting execution! Don't miss our Lunar New Year celebration! Chill with your pets under the camping environment and treat them #ChinesePoonChoi. Capture beautiful moments with on-site photo shooting. Limited slots, sign up now on the PET-A-HOOD app! See you on the Nin Chor 4!


Pet New Year Poon Choi Feast:

Date: 13th Feb (Tue, Fourth day of the Chinese New Year)

Time: 14:00-16:30

Location: Rest Top City Camping, San Po Kong(Room C &D, 13/F, William Industrial Building, 23-25 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong)

Welcome cats and dogs to attend the event~


Special Offer:

Human Explorers: HK$188 per person (original price: HK$238)

Pet Explorers: HK$120 per pet (original price: HK$188)



  • Pet Poon Choi Feast
  • Self-Photoshooting Area
  • Professional photographer on-site for photography
  • Each pet will receive a pet poon choi feast and a cupcake
  • Each person will receive one handcrafted beverage and a pack of juice box
  • Goodie bags for each pet
Terms and Conditions


  • 是次活動名額有限,以先到先得形式分配,額滿即止。
  • 參加者需按照購票門票數量出席活動,不設即場購買門票。
  • 參加者於活動當日需出示有效之訂單確認電郵出席活動,禮品會按電郵上之門票數量派發。
  • 食品均由供應商提供,其相關質素一概由供應商負責。
  • 如寵物有任何食物敏感或慢性疾病,參加者應自行判斷是否適合參加相關活動。如寵物出席活動後有任何不適,PET-A-HOOD 恕不負責。
  • 顧寵物及人,為了場內所有人士及寵物安全,請妥善管束寵物並恰當地控制其行為,以免對其他人或寵物造成滋擾或傷害。
  • 如因飼主疏忽導致寵物發生意外事故,主人須承擔一切責任。
  • 為了所有寵物都能在衞生及舒適的空間參與活動,寵物如在場排泄後,請自行清理其排泄物及保持場地衛生。
  • 請保持場內整潔及善待場內設施。
  • 寵物必須已接種預防狂犬病疫苗,所有寵物必須已接種常見傳染病的疫苗。
  • 因安全理由,請為寵物牽繩及注意安全。
  • PET-A-HOOD及Rest Top City Camping恕不承擔任何參加者及其寵物於活動當日所發生之任何意外或受傷的責任。
  • 如遇上其他會影響活動進行的天氣情況,如狂風暴雨等,由主辦單位作最後決定,並會以電話/電郵或手機應月程式推送訊息於活動時間前兩小時通知參加者。如當日活動取消,活動將會延期進行,惟報名費用不設退還。
  • 參加者出席活動即表示授權PET-A-HOOD拍攝及保留參加者及其寵物的肖像、姓名、聲線及外貌,以製作成相片、聲音、錄像及多媒體錄像(統稱為「錄像」),並可永久地於任何地方、現時或日後的任何媒體使用該錄像作為推廣、交易或其他目的。參加者須明白及同意本會將不會就使用該錄像而支付任何費用或其他賠償。
  • 所有圖片只供參考。
  • 如有任何更改,恕不另行通知,PET-A-HOOD保留活動之最終決定權。

PET-A-HOOD Terms & Conditions

  • PET-A-HOOD is not the seller or supplier of the products of services.
  • PET-A-HOOD is responsible for managing and administering its website, arranging order processing and fulfillment for the products or services you ordered from the merchant through its website.
  • Whatever item you purchase via PET-A-HOOD will be subject to the terms and conditions of that merchant. The merchant is responsible for the sale and for dealing with any claims or any other issues arising out of or in connection with the contract between you and the merchant.
  • Service arrangement will be processed and will based on the customer's provided information via the order without prior notice.
  • Product images are provided by merchants. For reference only.
  • Once an order has been placed, it is considered final and cannot be cancelled or refunded.
  • PET-A-HOOD reserve the right to modify or amend this policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to this policy will be posted on our website.
  • By placing an order with PET-A-HOOD, you confirm that you have read and understood these terms and conditions, and agree to be bound by them.
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