Shops Pet Services
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咕𠱸墊 - 淺灰色
咕𠱸墊 - 深灰色
Applicable to the Following Pet Types
  • Cats
  • Dogs












Merchant Info

Terms and Conditions


  • 購買本產品可享免運費(只限香港)
  • 恕不設退款及退換貨服務
  • 訂單一般會於1-3個工作天內寄出
  • 本店保留最終決定權

PET-A-HOOD Terms & Conditions

  • PET-A-HOOD is not the seller or supplier of the products of services.
  • PET-A-HOOD is responsible for managing and administering its website, arranging order processing and fulfillment for the products or services you ordered from the merchant through its website.
  • Whatever item you purchase via PET-A-HOOD will be subject to the terms and conditions of that merchant. The merchant is responsible for the sale and for dealing with any claims or any other issues arising out of or in connection with the contract between you and the merchant.
  • Service arrangement will be processed and will based on the customer's provided information via the order without prior notice.
  • Product images are provided by merchants. For reference only.
  • Once an order has been placed, it is considered final and cannot be cancelled or refunded.
  • PET-A-HOOD reserve the right to modify or amend this policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to this policy will be posted on our website.
  • By placing an order with PET-A-HOOD, you confirm that you have read and understood these terms and conditions, and agree to be bound by them.
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